Matters of Earth

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Religious Moderates: Cool or Not Cool?

This debate between Sam Harris and Andrew Sullivan is a bit outdated but still worth a reading.

I recognize, of course, that there are many important differences between
religious moderation (your "Christianity as it can be") and religious
fundamentalism. And I agree that these differences have something to do with
doubt and the progress of reason on the one hand and a hostility to both doubt
and reason on the other. But, as you expect, I don't view the boundary between
moderation and fundamentalism as "solid," or even principled, and I hold a very
different view of many of the topics you raised-Pascal included. (I do think
Nietzsche had it right when he wrote, "The most pitiful example: the corruption
of Pascal, who believed in the corruption of his reason through original sin
when it had in fact been corrupted only by his Christianity.")
- Sam Harris


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With nothing better to do with my time, I started this blog in hopes of keeping myself and others informed of what I find interesting.